Our Story
TriuneCastile’ story began with a curse that God chose to turn into one of the most unlikely blessings in our life. In the beginning we were desperate, desperate to find products that wouldn’t harm our helpless little children or worsen their condition. See, in-spite of our best efforts our children were born with severe eczema. We felt like a prisoner to the eczema in a cell of uncertainty and doubt with the walls frequently closing in on us. The painful itching, and scratching was so bad we get teared up just thinking about what they went through. If you have ever been in a situation where you can’t find the route cause or cure to an ailment quickly, you understand the pain and frustration. Like many of us we were prescribed pharmaceuticals. Unfortunately the pharmaceuticals provided little benefit that began decreasing over time and came with a long list of side effects we didn’t feel comfortable with. After several attempts and a much needed education we decided to move to a more natural approach, focusing on diet and the everyday products we come in contact with. As we continued to learn we began to believe God was guiding us on this path in order to help our children. Soon after we began creating our own home and beauty care products for personal use in an attempt to avoid the countless ingredients and poisonous additives we found in many of the common brands we were using at the time. At one point it became clear this was Gods plan, one to educate us as well as reveal the tools we could use to help provide relief for the suffering. Small changes in our life have had profound impacts and we’ve been blessed to enjoy a closeness to God we haven’t experienced before. We strongly believe the tools to a successful and fulfilling life can be found on the pages of the Bible and that continued prayer and study perfected our approach as well as our ingredient list. While we continued on this path the world around us seemed to become more and more disconnected each passing day. An evening study reminded us we were put here as a light to shine brightly for the LORD. (Mathew 5:13-20). That’s when we decided to pursue our dream of building a family business while honoring the LORD with our efforts, and encouraging others to experience a relationship with Jesus Christ. Providing the highest quality products became a byproduct of these goals. As many companies today have taken steps to ostracize and offend their customers we stand in the gap, offering the highest quality products and the encouragement to pursue the answers to life’s many challenges through biblical study and continued prayer. Thank you for your interest in our story and may God bless you all the days of your life.